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THCO Three Times Stronger Than THC?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-02-10      Origin: Site


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THC-O products  have quickly gained popularity among Americans who don’t have access to legal cannabis.

THC-O’s appeal lies in its potency and its legal status. Research has found that it’s roughly three times stronger than conventional THC. It has been called “the psychedelic cannabinoid” for its borderline hallucinatory effects. Because it’s derived from federally legal hemp, THC-O products are becoming increasingly popular in the states where consumers don’t have access to legal, state-licensed delta-9 THC products.

And now that delta-8 THC, its trendy cousin, has been outlawed in some states across the country and flagged by the DEA, THC-O’s star may rise even faster.

While THC-O products like vape carts and tinctures are available for purchase online, both their legal status and their safety remain unproven.


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