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Analysis of the market status, competition pattern and development trend of China's e-cigarette industry in 2021

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1. Basic profile analysis of the e-cigarette industry: definition, industry chain

    China is the world's main production base for e-cigarettes, accounting for about 95% of the world's output, of which more than 90% are for export. In recent years, countries have put forward stricter testing and certification for the import and export and sales of electronic cigarettes, prompting companies to invest more energy in product development and innovation.

    E-cigarettes are a type of new tobacco products. New tobacco products are a concept that is relative to traditional smoking cigarettes. New tobacco products have three major characteristics: one is that they do not need to be burned; the other is to provide nicotine; and the third is to produce only a small amount of second-hand smoke. No second-hand smoke or second-hand smoke.

    The upstream industrial chain of the e-cigarette industry mainly includes chip design planners, battery, e-liquid, atomizer, screen, cotton, silk and other accessory manufacturers, plastics, hardware and other raw materials, silk screen, packaging and other suppliers.

2. Analysis of the development history of electronic cigarettes: the concept originated from abroad, and mass production and sales were first realized in China

    E-cigarettes have developed from the smokeless non-cigarette device developed by Herbert A. Gilbert in 1963 to Hanli’s Ruyan in 2005. The product types are rich and diverse. In recent years, the policy of various countries has gradually increased the attention to electronics. At the same time, China's Shenzhen region, which has industrial advantages, has become the main production area of global e-cigarettes. However, compared with foreign countries, the development of China's e-cigarette industry regulations and policies has been slow, and the industry urgently needs to be regulated.

    Looking back at the development hotspots of the e-cigarette industry in 2018, there are mainly keywords such as trade wars, patent complaints, national standard formulation, consumer trends, new technologies, cross-border investments, acquisitions, financing, rumors, bans, etc. All these also reflect 2019 The e-cigarette industry in 2010 will develop towards standardization.

3. Analysis of e-cigarette policy environment: stricter industry supervision

——Foreign e-cigarette supervision ideas

    As an emerging alternative to traditional tobacco, e-cigarettes are a very critical variable in their development. At present, the development of e-cigarette regulatory policies in various countries and regions is quite different. At present, governments in various countries have basically three regulatory ideas for e-cigarettes: one is to supervise e-cigarettes as consumer products, the other is to supervise them as tobacco, and the third is to supervise e-cigarettes. It is used as a medical supervision. The three types of supervision are different.

    The e-cigarette market will exist for a long time in the future, but with the continuous strengthening of policy supervision and higher requirements for e-cigarette products, companies need to continuously strengthen the research and development of compliant and reliable products in order to survive and develop under the supervision of policies.


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